Monday, June 28, 2010

Manic Mac Monday
  Monday morning was fabulous with Mac until I snuggled to long and missed my alarm clock! I'm one of those that needs time, in the morning to wake up....with a long shower. So I took a short shower and threw on a random outfit. Then off to be the nanny after a frazzled morning doesn't usually go over so well: 
Half asleep combing hair = More knots!
Half asleep handing a two year old ,on a mission, Yogurt = Yogurt EVERYWHERE! 
Half asleep putting cereal in the refrigerator = Finding it hours later, hard and cold!
Ect. Ect.
  Half asleep going to work doesn't work but I guess its very worth it when our boys are so snuggled you can't roll outta bed on a foggy Monday morning! So getting on to the reason for this post, the Bostons, Mac & Jac!!! Mac is Two and half years old and Jac is just over One year old! Mac is a proud doggy dad to Jac! We wouldn't trade our Bostons for anything! They make bad days better! They are loyal! They welcome us happily every time we come home! They love deeply! They fall asleep sitting up at my feet under the desk as I write this blog! Here they are earlier this evening.

(Mac in the back of the bed - Jac in front of the bed)


My Angel Baby said...

sounds like you had kinda a crazy monday, but it's all good when you get home cuz those little loveies are waiting for their mommy with their little nose's pressed against the front window! they are so freaking cute! love those boys!

The Boston Lady said...

Love your boys! I can totally relate to not wanting to get out of bed when the Bostons are snuggled in their with you. They just make you want to play hooky! We are taking our girls to the beach this weekend! Hope your 4th is fun and I'm enjoying reading about you and "your boys".